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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Thoughts of a 4-year-old girl.

Some time ago my newly 4-year-old daughter was having some deep thoughts while riding in the car on the way to her cousins house.  The following conversation took place:

Abby:  "Mom?"
Me: "Yes?"
Abby: "I've learned something.  'Almost' means 'no.'"
Me: "Well, what do you mean exactly?"
Abby: "Like when I race with Lily and I say, "Did I win?" and you say, "Almost."

I guess she has a point there....

Later, on the way HOME from that same visit to her cousins she piped up from the back seat, "Mom, I learned something ELSE today!  Boys are ALMOST like people!"

In summary, Boys = Almost People, Almost = No

I guess this was an educational day for her.  :)

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