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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Does God ever poke Himself in the eye?

There are those moments, as a mother, that just can't be matched.  Some come in the form of humility, in other's we're bursting with pride.  Often we may find ourselves moved to tears.  We revel at these tiny people entrusted to us.  In some we may find ourselves terribly embarrassed (don't worry, we'll get our chance to return the favor later).  Then there are moments when, even though we are a good deal older, wiser and more proficient in almost every area of life than our children are, we find ourselves perfectly stumped.  We are absolutely dumbfounded, and at a complete loss for words.  This section of my blog is a little different than the rest.  You won't find recipes or crafty stuff here, just a little peek into my very BLESSED life as a mom.  A sample of what I see every day, of all that I have to be thankful for, and of the inspiration for the rest of this blog.  I created it today, to share some stories (both old and new) with you.  May I never take a moment for granted.

This is an old favorite.  My oldest daughter (now 6) was 3 at the time.  It is so priceless that I recorded it right away, so that I wouldn't forget it.  I copied the story below:

On the way home from church the other night, with the girls in the car, Lily's foot was hurting (I think it was a blister of some sort from her shoes) and the following conversation took place:
Lily: "Maybe God just made the skin on my foot like that."
Me: "Like what sweetie?"
Lily: "Like hurting the way it is."
Me: "Well, God doesn't like to make us hurt sweetie, he likes us to be happy and not to have boo-boo's. He wouldn't make your foot hurt I don't think. I'll bet that it'll start to feel better soon."
Lily: "But maybe he accidentally made it that way."
Me: "God doesn't make accidents sweet heart, He doesn't make mistakes. He's perfect. We all make mistakes, but God doesn't."
Lily: "Everyone makes mistakes?"
Me: "Yup, everyone."
At this point Lily proceeds to name several people whom she really wished to know if they, specifically, made any mistakes. Apparently these people were perfect in her little eyes and she needed reassurance that they were human. The list included her friend Brooke from church, Brooke's mother, and Lily's own Grandma - my mother (I feel slightly hurt that it did not include me ;-) Satisfied with my answers she grew quiet for some time and then piped up again:
Lily: "Mom....does God ever poke Himself in the eye?"
Oh to know what is going on in that precious little head. :-)

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